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DevWing Foam by the devCad Team


DevWing Foam, the innovative application to cut foam wings with a CNC hotwire machine

  • Using DevWing Foam you can draw and cut in a very simple way a foam wing using a 4 axis foam cutting CNC
  • The Project Wizard will drive you to draw and cut the foam wing using a step by step approach. No Cad skills are required!
  • Every half wing will be defined by one or more Panels. You will split the half wing in more panels if/when some geometry setting changes (airfoil, dihedral, washout and so on).
    Every Panel will be defined by one or more Blocks. You will split  a Panel in more blocks when it's too long for your CNC machine or when the plan form of the panel is not trapezoidal, but, for example with curved leading and/or trailings edge.
  • After creating the Project, you can use it to create a Cutting Project, where you specify with a step by step approach all the settings required to create the right cutting files
  • You can also draw and cut by a 3 axis CNC milling machine other wooden parts like side ribs, nose checking templates, shaped  spars and so on.
  • Creating a foam wing with a complex wing plan, different airfoils and a lot of available elements is no more a problem. In just a few minutes you can have your wing geometry defined, you can check it in 3D and start to work on one or more Cutting projects.
  • By a 3D preview you can check every step of the creation of the wing, and go forth and back among the project wizard panels to retouch them.
  • You can add to the Wing Project many internal elements, like spars, leading and trailing edges, lightening holes and aileron/flap slots. You can specify a different cutting startegy for each element, so that the cut could not interfere the final wing core and the outer shells.
  • The Cutting Project lets you to add in a single cutting job more wing parts (called blocks in devWing Foam). 
  • A separate shaping side cutting job will also created to shape the Foam block at root and tip sides. If you rearrange for example dihedral values during the cut, the root/tip side will be cut with the right angle to assemble then them.
  • You can then export the foam cutting files selecting by many available file formats like GCcode/NC, Cut files for GMFC, DXF, DAT, Hpgl/Plt.
  • You can also preview the cutting job using the supplied 3D cutting emulator, so that you could verify all the settings before running the real cut.
  • To download devWing Foam see the Download section of the web site.
  • To get a license see the Prices section of the web site.

   A fast preview of devWing Foam features: the Wing Project 

  Wing plan drawing

You can draw a complex multipanel wing plan, also using a picture or DXF file as a reference backgrond
  Blocks definition

If a Panel is too long for your CNC foam cutting machine or you have curved Leading/Triling edges, you can create multiple Blocks, with special functions to speed up this process
  Wing panel airfoils and settings

You can set here the airfoils and other settings as washout, dihedral and so on for each panel

You can set here the optional sheetings
  Leading edge

You can set here the leading edge
  Trailing edge

You can set here the trailing edge
  Spars, jigs and other longitudinal elements

You can set here the spars, jigs or other longitudinal elements
  Aileron and flap slots

You can set here the aileron and flap slots, of different types
  Lightening holes

Using this page you can add manually or automatically lightening holes.
  Side ribs customization

You can customize the optional ribs available for every bloks side
  Wing tip and nose checking templates

You can apply lightening holes to the wooden wing tip and create nose checking templates

   the Cutting Project 

  Select the Block to cut

Once you created a Wing Project you can create one or more Cutting Project. The first step is selecting the Blocks to cut from the actual Wing Project
  Set kerf, cutting speeds and cutting strategy

In this second page of the Cutting Project you will specify the kerf, the cutting speeds and the cutting startegy for the external shape and the internal elements
  Set cutting order and Foam Block size

In the third step of the Cutting Project you will specify the cutting order of the Blocks, the Foam block size and the placement of each block inside the Foam
  Main Blocks cutting: Foam block placement

In the fourth step of the Cutting Project you will specify the placement of the Foam block on the cutting table for the Main cutting.
  Side shaping cutting: Foam block placement

In the fifth step of the Cutting Project you will specify the placement of the Foam block on the cutting table for the Side shaping cutting.
  Cutting file creation

In the last step of the Cutting Project you will create the final cutting file.
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